Community Recovery

Disaster Recovery

Recovery from floods, bushfires and other natural hazards can be a long and sometimes overwhelming process.

During the 2019/20 bushfire season, 59% of the Clarence Valley was burnt (6,151 sq km).

In the February and March 2022 Severe Weather and Flooding event, 4% of the Clarence Valley was flooded (284 sq km of agricultural and 9 sq km of residential land)

We're committed to helping our residents prevent, prepare, respond and recover from the impacts of these natural hazards. 

Recovery Centres

A Recovery Centre offers more than just support in applying for financial assistance, it’s also a place where affected people can share their concerns with people who understand what you’re going through.

There’s support for your immediate needs as well as information and advice about all the programs that are available from the government, charities and local support services.

Recovery Centre staff are able help you get application processes started and answer questions about your circumstances.

There’s support for individuals, businesses, farmers and landholders. And ongoing help is available over the phone.

Agencies and services at a centre may include local council, Disaster Welfare, small business, Red Cross, NSW Health, Legal Aid, Fair Trading, Salvation Army, chaplains and insurers.

Find the location of your nearest Recovery Centre here. Alternately, register with Service NSW on 13 77 88 for assistance Monday to Friday 7am - 7pm or visit to register online.