Road and Bridge Conditions

Map (List View)

CategorySCHEDULED ROADWORK, null, Planned

Check signage

Exercise caution

Work will be carried out from Tuesday 28 January for three months between 6am and 6pm. Single lane closure with alternating stop/slow arrangements and a 40km/h speed limit will be in place 24/7.

The maximum travel lane width is 3.5m, so oversize and/or overmass (OSOM) vehicles will be affected 24/7. OSOM vehicles intending to travel through the work site must call the project team on 0448 420 273 at least 24 hours before reaching the site to discuss access options. 

  • This work will include an overnight bridge closure for two nights. The first bridge closure will be carried out on Friday 21 February between 6pm and 6am. The second bridge closure will be carried out on Friday 28 March between 6pm and 6am, weather permitting.  
  • Between 6am-9am on Saturday 22 February and Saturday 29 March – following the closures - only light vehicles will be able to cross the bridge via single lane closure. Heavy vehicles over 4.5t will need to wait until after 9am to access the bridge.

Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. Motorists are advised to allow approximately 5 minutes of additional travel time.


DETOURS FOR NIGHT CLOSURES ONLY - Motorists and heavy vehicle operators are advised to avoid nighttime travel on the Gwydir Highway during the closure.

Vehicles travelling north will be detoured via Clarence Way and the Bruxner Highway to the New England Highway. Vehicles travelling south will be detoured via the Pacific Highway and Waterfall Way to the New England Highway.

It is recommended that operators of all vehicles, including OSOM vehicles, plan their trip in advance to avoid these closure times as detour routes will be significant.

Speed Limit40


Both directions

Monday - (6:00am - 5:00pm)


Both directions

Tuesday - (6:00am - 5:00pm)


Both directions

Wednesday - (6:00am - 5:00pm)


Both directions

Thursday - (6:00am - 5:00pm)

RoadsGwydir Highway, Cangai Road, Grafton

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Location: (-29.577291, 152.557105)

CategorySCHEDULED ROADWORK, null, Planned

Allow extra travel time

Check signage

Portable traffic lights will allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time. The speed limit outside work hours is 80km/h.

Motorists are advised to allow approximately 5 minutes of additional travel time.


Speed Limit40


Both directions

Weekdays - (7:00am - 6:00pm)

RoadsBig River Way, Four Mile Lane, Clarenza, Old Lilypool Road

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Location: (-29.7330029, 152.9735781)

CategorySCHEDULED ROADWORK, Resurfacing, Planned

Check signage

Exercise caution

Portable traffic lights will allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time. Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. The speed limit outside work hours is 60km/h. Motorists are advised to allow approximately 5 minutes of additional travel time.

Speed Limit40


Both directions

Weekdays - (7:00am - 6:00pm)


Both directions

Saturday - (7:00am - 6:00pm)

RoadsGwydir Highway, Daniels Road, Waterview Heights

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Location: (-29.674537, 152.84058)

CategorySCHEDULED ROADWORK, Resurfacing, Planned

Check signage

Exercise caution

Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. Portable traffic lights will allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time. The speed limit outside work hours is 60km/h. Motorists are advised to allow approximately 5 minutes of additional travel time.

Speed Limit40


Both directions

Weekdays - (7:00am - 6:00pm)


Both directions

Saturday - (7:00am - 6:00pm)

RoadsGwydir Highway, Coombadjha Road, Cangai

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Location: (-29.481201, 152.446526)

CategorySCHEDULED ROADWORK, Bridge work, Planned

Exercise caution

Check signage

Portable traffic lights will allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time 24/7 on a fixed time shuttle. Bridge is permanently restricted to have no OSOM movements wider than 3m to cross.

Speed Limit40


Both directions

Weekdays - (6:30am - 5:00pm)

RoadsArmidale Road, Boundary Creek Road, Nymboida, Laytons Range Road

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Location: (-29.9795097, 152.7245877)

CategorySCHEDULED ROADWORK, Bridge work, Planned

Check signage

Exercise caution

Alternating (stop/slow) traffic conditions will be in place to allow motorists to pass in one direction at a time. Traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists. Motorists are advised to allow approximately 5 minutes of additional travel time.

Speed Limit40


Both directions

Weekdays - (6:00am - 5:00pm)

RoadsOld Pacific Highway, Harwood Bridge, Harwood

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Location: (-29.4292284, 153.2410159)

CategoryCHANGED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS, Road Closure, Unplanned

Stay away

Road Closed - Weasel Road is a private road, do not access or use as a diversion. NOTE: Old Glen Innes Road is open from the Gwydir Highway to Dalmorton.

RoadsWeasel Road, Buccarumbi
OrganisationClarence Valley Council
02 6643 0200

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Location: (-29.8453958, 152.6423409)

CategorySCHEDULED ROADWORK, null, Planned

Use an alternative route

Check signage

Old Glen Innes Road is currently closed as per the map. Dalmorton tunnel will remain open during the closures with access via Newton Boyd. Works are expected to continue for an extended period of time, please use alternative routes.



All directions

Every Day - (all day - )

RoadsOld Glen Innes Road, Dalmorton
OrganisationClarence Valley Council
02 6643 0200

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Location: (-29.8643516, 152.4572162)

CategoryHAZARD, Fallen tree, Unplanned

Avoid the area

Use an alternative route

Great Marlow Road is closed at Lawrence Road (Grafton End) due to a tree on fire.

Traffic Control on-site - detour as instructed.

Local access only from Southgate end

RoadsGreat Marlow Road, Lawrence Road, Alumy Creek
OrganisationClarence Valley Council
02 6643 0200

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Location: (-29.658026, 152.946957)

CategoryHAZARD, Road damage, Unplanned

Exercise caution

Reduce your speed

There are areas of damaged road surface on Yamba Road between Palmers Island village and Shallow Channel. Exercise caution, check signage and reduce your speed to suit road conditions.

RoadsYamba Road, Palmers Island Village, Palmers Island, Shallow Channel
OrganisationClarence Valley Council
02 6643 0200

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Location: (-29.4206524, 153.2913231)

CategoryCHANGED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS, Road Closure, Unplanned

Avoid the area

Plan your journey


Traffic will be diverted to Summerland Way from Butterfactory Lane onto Trenayr Road to Experiment Farm Road.

RoadsLawrence Road, Butterfactory Lane, Grafton, Experiment Farm Road
OrganisationClarence Valley Council
02 6643 0200

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Location: (-29.6578819, 152.9470068)

CategoryFLOODING, null, Unplanned

Never drive through floodwater

Avoid the area

Lilydale Bridge on Winegrove Road is currently closed due to flooding.

RoadsWingrove Road, Lilydale
OrganisationClarence Valley Council
02 6643 0200

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Location: (-29.544797, 152.6714553)

No Traffic Cameras to display

No Road Closures to display